Category Archives: children

Council seeking sponsor for new social, emotional and mental health free school

Bradford Council is looking for a sponsor to run a new special free school for pupils with social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) needs.

The new school is being created in Bradford after the council successfully bid with partners in the district and neighbouring councils for Education and Skills Funding Agency funding.

The free school will offer whole life services based around excellent education, family care and work-life support with space for 72 pupils and a 12 bed residential facility.
Bradford Council is now inviting applications to run the new school.  The council is hosting an event this week to share its vision with prospective sponsors.

Representatives from Social Care,  Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services and neighbouring local education authorities will also be attending.

The event takes place at the Ernest Saville Room in City Hall from 10am to 1pm on Friday September 22.

Applications to run the new school can be submitted at any time before noon on November 24 this year.  The Council cannot grant a deadline extension. Any organisation wanting to submit a bid should register their interest first.

The new school is set to be built on the former Rhodesway playing fields site on Lower Grange, Bradford.

Coun Imran Khan, Bradford Council’s executive member  for education, employment and skills, said: “This new free school will play a key role in our provision for pupils with special educational needs.  We are looking for an organisation which can fulfill our vision for a school which provides  whole life services based around excellent education, family care and work-life support. We believe this school can make a real difference to the lives of young people who will benefit from this support.”

Council seeks views on the expansion of Low Ash Primary

Bradford Council is consulting on its proposed plans to enlarge Low Ash Primary School in Wrose. 

The consultation begins on Friday 8 September and runs until 20 October. A full analysis will be carried out and a report with recommendations will be made to the Executive of the Council in December 2017. 

The proposal would see the expansion of the school building to enable the Published Admission Number (PAN) to be increased from 60 to 90 pupils.  The school currently has capacity for 420 children which would rise to 630 if this proposal is agreed. 

The demand for places in this area continues to increase particularly with regard to the number of housing developments approved or awaiting a decision.  Some homes have been completed and children have been accommodated in other recently expanded schools. 

Coun Imran Khan, Bradford Council’s Executive Member for Education, Employment and Skills, said:  “Low Ash Primary is a popular school and usually receives more applications than it has places for. 

“The school has adequate space for it to be expanded, and subject to the consultation and appropriate planning permission, would look to commence the increased intake with effect from September 2019.” 

The consultation is on the Council’s consultation webpage and responses can be made in various ways: 


Contact:  Nina Mewse, Senior Provision and Places Officer, T 01274 439346. 

Notes to Editors:

The link provided  above takes you to the current consultations page.  Please scroll down to : 

Consultation on the Expansion of Low Ash Primary School in order to increase the Published Admission Number.

30 hours update – Parents who have applied for a code but not received one

The DfE has informed the LA that a small number of parents who have applied before 31 August may receive their 30 hours code between 1 and 14 September, because HMRC required additional information before determining their eligibility (‘amber’ cases).

In these circumstances, providers should be satisfied that a parent applied for a 30 hour code by 31 August before offering a 30 hours place. For example, a parent might demonstrate that they applied before 31 August through sharing the information contained within their childcare account mailbox and secure message that will state when they were identified as an amber case, and the date they received the message.

Bradford LA will fund a 30 hours place for these parents for the autumn term where they have received a code from HMRC with a validity start date after 31 August and up to 14 September.

As previously advised, a parent can reserve a place for their child the term after their third birthday with their chosen provider prior to their code being checked, but the code must be checked via the Funded Hours Checker before the child can take up their funded place. If providers choose to allow parents to start the place prior to validating the code, it will be at the provider’s own risk should the parent prove to be ineligible.

The DfE has also stated that the childcare service helpline is now able to provide a temporary code to eligible parents experiencing on-going technical issues. Please encourage parents to contact the helpline on 0300 123 4097, who will check eligibility and provide them with a code if they qualify for 30 hours in the event that they cannot resolve their issue with their on-line application.

Malaika’s Story…


When you first meet seven-year-old Malaika Azeem from Bradford, she appears to be a healthy little girl. But at only a few weeks old, Malaika was diagnosed with life-limiting Congenital Heart Disease, a condition that causes increased heart rate, shortness of breath, chest pain and mobility problems. Malaika is in need of round the clock care that often leaves mum Sanam struggling to cope.

Malaika also suffers from frequent cyanosis, which causes poor oxygenation of the blood, otherwise known as ‘blue episodes’, for which she requires immediate hospitalisation. For mum Sanam, the past six years have been a constant battle to find support for the family.

She explains:

“The last 12 months have been really stressful for us all. In January last year, Malaika underwent open-heart surgery and doctors were unsure as to whether she’d pull through. After the operation, I cared for Malaika myself, changing her tracheotomy at home, as well as managing her physiotherapy. Since then, she has had several severe blue episodes and endured repeated hospital stays.

“I’m lucky to have the support of my parents and sister, who live close by, but there are very few people I would trust with Malaika’s care. Although I’ve previously tried to access different services in Bradford, there are few who really understand Malaika’s condition. Because she looks normal, people don’t understand.”

The challenge of caring for Malaika 24 hours a day, seven days a week is made more difficult as Sanam must juggle Malaika’s needs with those of her three sisters. Nimrah 13, Romesa 10, and Saira 3. For them, family life revolves around Malaika’s medical care, meaning that weekend activities and time out together are almost impossible.

Sanam explains further.

“Planning outings is a huge struggle. In the past, when we’ve been out and about, Malaika has fallen or become ill, so when I’m looking at places to go I have to consider where is suitable for her, and what might happen if she is ill away from home.

“I often feel guilty not being able to spend time with the other children. They sometimes get upset at the amount of attention I give Malaika, but when she falls ill, they understand why she needs me so much. My eldest, Nimrah, acts as a mother, sister and friend. She will help to wash and change Malaika and is a huge support to me. I’ve always tried to be honest with them all about the reality of Malaika’s condition and we take each day as it comes.”

Sanam self-referred Malaika to Martin House in the summer of 2015, and was overjoyed when the family were invited to a special tour prior to their first stay: After their first stay at Martin House in November last year, the Bradford family are hopeful that, with the right support, life can become a little more manageable.

“Malaika loved her first visit to the hospice. When we got there she didn’t know where to look first, and was so excited saying, “look at this, look at that”. She didn’t want to come home at all! Before our first proper stay in November, Malaika had been very ill and I was barely sleeping. The stay came at just the right time for both of us.”

“The time we spent at Martin House was an extraordinary experience. It was so good to get away from everything. Going to the hospice gives me the chance to talk to other parents and realise I’m not alone – their children might have different needs but we are all in the same boat. I don’t need sympathy; it’s so wonderful to be able to speak to people who understand.”

“When I talk to people about the hospice, they assume it’s all about end of life care. But Martin House do everything. Malaika loves to sing, and when she last stayed, she made a CD of her singing nursery rhymes and other songs. When I listened to it, I was in tears! It’s building up these memories that’s so special, all the little things that we do together that mean so much.”



Bingley Music Live – what else is happening?

Bingley Music Live boasts more than just this year’s top name line-up – there is also a host of food stalls, bars, market stalls and a children’s area to explore.

People at the Bradford Council-run event at Bingley’s Myrtle Park on 1-3 September will be spending several hours on site, so the wide range of food and drink stalls is a good chance to refuel.

Restaurant and catering firm Zouk have won the catering contract for this year’s festival. They are offering 17 food stalls featuring Indian and Caribbean street food, Turkish, Chinese, wood-fired pizza, Mexican, fish and chips, Moroccan and burgers.

A wide range of alcohol and soft drinks will be served at the festival bar, including lager, cider, wine, spirits and sodas and cask ale is available at the Discovery Stage bar. For something a little different, there is a cocktail bar and a gin bar.

The Kids Zone area gives younger visitors the chance to let off some steam with activities including a Spider Mountain (climb and slide), party bouncer with slide, rodeo bull, den-building, play tent and sand.

For those who fancy a bit of shopping, there will be a ‘mini village’ among the trees of over 20 stalls. Their wares will include glitter face and body painting, ethically-sourced clothing and wearable art and jewellery. Official Bingley Music Live and band merchandise is also available to purchase from a stand in the middle of the site.

Special support can be found at the site’s Welfare Tent which will provide: a nappy change area, dedicated children’s toilet and Changing Places toilet (for people who cannot use standard accessible toilets), sun lotion and a lost children service.

The popular fancy dress feature returns this year, with blue theme which means people are invited to dress from top to bottom in blue.

Acts at this year’s festival include Manic Street Preachers, Kaiser Chiefs, The Wombats, Maximo Park, Badly Drawn Boy, Soul II Soul, Pete Doherty, Milburn, Feeder and many more. There is also a chance to see the big names of the future on the Discovery Stage.

Coun Sarah Ferriby, Bradford Council’s Executive Member for Environment Sport & Culture, said: “With so much going on at Bingley Music Live, there is something to occupy everyone, to keep the children entertained and to keep everyone fed and watered. The fancy dress theme will also make for some fantastic photos.”

Tickets are now selling fast – please note that child weekend tickets and child Saturday tickets have all sold out. Tickets can be purchased via or Ticketline on 0844 8889991. Adult weekend tickets are £70 plus booking fee and child weekend tickets are £35 plus booking fee. Single day tickets are priced at £35 each for adults (plus booking fee) and £30 for children (plus booking fee). Adult day tickets are also available at Bingley Pool and Bradford and Saltaire Visitor Information Centres.

People can keep up to date on the event by following Bingley Music Live on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. #BMLive17

Pupils learn safety message

Children at Dixon’s Marchbank Academy learned about the dangers of going onto building sites and into buildings to play.

Reshape Construction, a company involved in building social housing for Bradford Council recently visited the school to pass on information to the children about the dangers which construction sites pose, especially as the school holidays are now beginning and children have much more free time.


Graduation party for nursery children

Children from Acorns Nursery in Eldwick, who will be leaving to begin school in September, are having a graduation party where the guest of honour will be Lord Mayor of Bradford, Coun Abid Hussain.

The private day nursery has arranged the party so that the children can celebrate their time at the nursery with their families and the staff before moving on to school.

The children will wear traditional graduation caps and gowns and will receive certificates marking their achievements at the nursery, at the ceremony on Tuesday 18 July. There will be a balloon release before they tuck in to a party lunch with their special guest.

One lucky child will also be made Mini Lord Mayor for the day and get to wear the city’s scaled-down Lord Mayoral robes,hat and chain of office.

Sophie Graham, Nursery Manager, said: “We look forward to this day every year as it gives the nursery and the parents a chance to celebrate the achievements made by all of the children at our pre-school. We are tremendously proud of the strong, resilient, independent and happy children they have become and we wish each and every one of them, the very best for the future as they start their new chapter at school.”

Peace Walk will celebrate diverse community around Miriam Lord Primary

Parents, local mosques and churches have been invited to join hundreds of pupils and staff on a Peace Walk to celebrate diversity in Bradford and around Miriam Lord Primary School.

The walk has been planned for Friday 21 July, 2017 and is being held following recent terrorist events in Manchester and London.

The Peace Walk was suggested by Year 6 teacher Stefanie Deciacco as an additional way of commemorating sad and tragic events. The school already discusses events, such as the Manchester terrorist attack, in class and has held Silences to honour the dead, bereaved and injured.

All 440 pupils and 45 staff will be involved in the walk which will end with the walkers singing Bob Marley favourite “One Love” in the school playground. A recording will be made and the song and played again on Miriam Lord Radio.

Leading up to the event, pupils will be involved in discussion about why the Peace Walk is taking place. They will also be making placards with peace slogans and a wide banner saying “Miriam Lord Primary Peace March” which will be at the front of the walk, so people passing by know what’s happening.

Bryan Harrison, Executive Headteacher at Miriam Lord, said: “With social media, children very quickly know what happens around the world. They are curious about events like the terrorist attack in Manchester and want to know more, but unfortunately, the messages they hear are not always unbiased.

“In school, we are always open to children’s questions and ready to talk about their worries. The purpose of the walk is to show that we are proud to be part of our community and to celebrate the diversity of the people who live in Bradford.”

Rhyme Challenge award winners


Those who made exceptional contributions to Bradford Council Libraries’ annual Rhyme Challenge received awards at a special event this week.

Over 3,500 families successfully completed this year’s challenge, ran by Bradford Libraries and Early Childhood Services at the council. It was put out to 300 childcare and library settings across the district. This year saw a 75 per cent increase in uptake.

The Rhyme Challenge, which ran between September 2016 and March 2017, sets children under five and their families the task of learning five rhymes. They then receive a certificate for their hard work.

Of those who took part in the challenge, 92 per cent of parents felt that it had increased their child’s speech and language development. Of the staff and volunteers who oversee the challenge in childcare, toddler groups and library settings, 100 per cent felt the challenge was beneficial to the families they work with.

The awards ceremony recognised the collective efforts of individuals and groups in organising the challenge and those who have gone the extra mile. The Lord Mayor of Bradford Coun Abid Hussain presented the awards and guest speaker was Christina Gabbitas, poet/author and winner of the Yorkshire Women of Achievement Award 2016.  Children from Netherleigh & Rossefield School Nursery School sang and there was a rhyme time session with Dave Morrison from BHT Education & Training

The award winners were:

Bradford Libraries Rhyme Challenge Best Practice Individual Award

  • Winner – Bridget Izod – Development Officer Support, Bradford Libraries
  • Runner up – Lois Partington –Foundation Stage Manager, Netherleigh & Rossefield School
  • Other nominations included: Jessika Osborne – Volunteer, Airedale & Wharfedale Children’s Centre Cluster

Bradford Libraries Rhyme Challenge Best Practice Libraries Award

  • Winner – Idle Library
  • Runner up – Keighley Library
  • Other nominations included: Bingley Library, City Library, Clayton Library, Eccleshill Library, Ilkley Library

Bradford Libraries Rhyme Challenge Best Practice Toddler Group Award

  • Winner – St Theresa’s Playgroup, Queensbury
  • Runner up – Buttershaw Christian Family Centre
  • Other nominations included: St Andrews See & Know Group and Wibsey Methodist Toddler Group

Bradford Libraries Rhyme Challenge Best Practice Setting Award

  • Winner – Fagley Primary School
  • Runner up – Sandy Lane Pre-School
  • Other nominations included: Al Hikmah School; BHT Early Education & Training; Copthorne Primary School; Greengates Primary School; Grove House Primary School Nursery; Highfield Pre-School; Lidget Green Primary School; Netherleigh & Rossefield Nursery School; Nightingales Day Nursery; Our Lady of Victories Primary School; St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School; Strong Close Nursery School; Wibsey Methodist Pre-School

Bradford Libraries Rhyme Challenge Best Practice Children’s Centre Award

  • Winner – South Bradford Children’s Centre Cluster
  • Runner up – Airedale & Wharfedale Children’s Centre Cluster
  • Other nominations included: Bradford West Children’s Centre Cluster and Lister Park Children’s Centre Cluster

Contact Bradford Libraries on 01274 433684 for more information on the Rhyme Challenge or check out

Drive to find and support people who ‘privately foster’

Bradford Council is marking Private Fostering Week, which runs from 3 to 7 July, by reminding people to get in touch if they think a child is living with someone other than their parents or a close relative.

Private fostering is where a child lives with someone who is not their parent or a close relative, for longer than 28 days. This can be for a number of reasons including if the child’s parents are abroad or unwell, or if there are difficulties in the family.

Private foster care can be a very positive experience; however, the council needs to know about children and young people in these types of arrangements as they are potentially vulnerable as they are not living with their parents.

Bradford Council is particularly asking people who work with children to be aware of private fostering and to notify the council.

The council has produced a short film about private fostering that can be viewed here.  Messages are also being sent out in to the Polish, Slovakian and Czech communities through social media posts.

Coun Val Slater, Executive Member for Health and Wellbeing, said: “If you look after someone else’s child, or know of someone who does, we’re encouraging you to contact us.

“Ensuring all children are safe is a priority. Everyone should know what private fostering is and what you need to do if you think a child is living in this arrangement.”

People can contact Children’s Services on 01274 437500 or find out more at:

More information about the national campaign is available at:


A private fostering arrangement is essentially one that is made without the direct involvement of a Local Authority for the care of a child under the age of 16 (or 18 if disabled) by someone other than a parent or close relative for 28 days or more.

A close relative is defined as “a grandparent, brother, sister, aunt or uncle (whether a full or half relative or by marriage or civil partnership) or step-parent.

Privately fostered children are a diverse and sometimes vulnerable group, which includes:

• children sent from abroad to stay with another family, usually to improve their educational opportunities

• teenagers who, having fallen out with their parents, are staying in short-term arrangements with friends or other non-relatives

• language students living with host families